(1) create a method directory for learning environments with a focus on entrepreneurship (based on research, best practice, classification of best practice and transformation of methods into learning environments, explicitly described for practical use)
(2) test the result in a pilot group directly with the target group within the framework of the project and (3) disseminate, implement, promote and make the results available in our network and european, national, regional and local youth work platforms.
(3) disseminate, implement, promote and make the results available in our network and european, national, regional and local youth work platforms.
Ultimately, we expect the youth work through our learning environments to help more young people from the defined target group to resume education, jobs or start their career as an entrepreneur and thereby again become an active player in society and democracy.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ and MUCF (www.mucf.se).
Projekt Kick-off i Oskarshamn den 28-20 juni 2019. För mer info se;
LENE+ video clips om ungdomar och entreprenörskap genom icke-formellt lärande hittar du här:
Högsby Utbildningscenter - HUC
Alstermoskolan - Älghult - Lenhovda
Coompanion Kalmar Län
Coompanion Kronobergs Län
UF Kronobergs Län
LENE 2.o har avslutats. 85 ungdomar i Småland deltog i workshops för skolungdomar och unga vuxna med fokus på entreprenörskap.